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List of references about autovaccines , autogenous vaccines, and vaccine-therapy (human medicine)
versions 1.1 as of April 8th 2010 // edited by Dr. sc.hum. Oliver NOLTE contact/comments/enquires: autovaccine-at-coleopterologe.de (-at- to be replaced by @)
preliminary list, only
Cope Z (1966): Almroth Wright - Founder of modern vaccine-therapy. (Part of the series: "British Men of Science", de Beer, G [gen. eds.]) Nelson Publishers (The life of the man who developed what is now known as the autogenous vaccine. The following is cited from the covertext: This is a portrait of a genius; a man who directed all his efforts towards the finding of truth, and changed the whole development and application of modern medicine".)
Reiter H (1913): Vaccinetherapie und Vaccinediagnostik. Verlag von Ferdinand Enke, Stuttgart
Allen RW (1914): Die Vakzintherapie. Ihre Theorie und praktische Anwendung. Nach der vierten Auflage des Originals. Deutsch Herausgegeben von Krohn RES. Verlag von Theodor Steinkopff, Dresden und Leipzig
Dudgeon LS (1927): Bacterial vaccines and their position in therapeutics. London
Fleming A & Petrie GF (1934): Recent Advances in Vaccine and Serum Therapy. P. Blakiston's Son & Co. Inc. Philadelphia (as a subtle irony of life, Alexander Fleming was not only the man who isolated penicillin and thereby introduced antibiotics into medicine which was the end of vaccine therapy. Fleming was also the student of Wright, the founder of vaccine therapy).
Parke, Davis & Company (1935): Vaccine & Serum Therapy. London
Benedek T (1957): Hidradenitis suppurativa; its etiology, pathogenesis and specific vaccine therapy. Stockholm
Book-Chapter only:
Moss ES & McQuown ALAtlas of Medical Mycology, Chapter 21 'Immunology' (pp. 203-204). Williams & Wilkins Co. , Baltimore 1953 (a short chapter describing how to produce isolate specific autogenous vaccines for vaccine therapy in the treatment of fungal infections).
Journal articles:
last update: April 8th 2010
[References are from the Quartely Cumulative Index Medicus, from MedLine, and from different searches of the WWW. In the 1983 Quarterly Cumulative Index Medicus, "Vaccine Therapy" disappears w/out reference elsewhere]. A number of references are secondary references which were taken from books, etc. Secondary references are given mostly without the title but with the cited subject in square brackets. Only a few of the following citations are available through MedLine or Google Scholar (http://scholar.google.com). The author of this website appreciates any comment on specific citations and any new citation which is not available in the list below.
Wright AE (1903): On therapeutic inoculations of bacterial vaccines, and their practical exploitation in the treatment of disease. Brit. Med. Journal London 1903, 1069 1074.
(this is the first publication about the use of the so-called vaccine therapy, now known as autovaccine or autogenous vaccine)
Wright AE, Douglas SR (1904): On the action exerted upon the Staphylococcus pyrogenes by human body fluids and an elaboration of protective elements in the human organism in response to inoculation of a Staphylococcus vaccine. Proc. Royal Soc. London, 74, 147.
Ohlmacher AP (1907): A series of medical and surgical affections treated by artificial autoinoculation, according to Wright's theory of opsonins. Illinois Med. Journal, Springfield, xi, 343-350.
Ohlmacher AP (1907): A series of medical and surgical affections treated by artificial autoinoculation, according to Wright's theory of opsonins. J. AM. M. ASS., Chicago, 571 577. [Discussion to the above mentioned article], 639-641.
Wood FM (1910): Autogenous vaccines, a new method for their preparation and use by the surgeon (a resume of four years' experience with vaccine therapy). Railway Surg. Journal, Chicago, xvii, 148-153.
Callison JG (1911): Streptococcus mucosus septicemia clinically resembling typhoid, blood culture, treated with an autogenous vaccine. Post Graduate, NY., xxvi, 553.
Herschman F (1911): Practical value of autogenous vaccines in modern medicine, description of rnethod, illustrative cases. Indianapolis Med. Journal, xiv, 413-416.
Craig.HA (1911): The principles and application of autogenous bacterial vaccines in the treatment of diseases. Med. Rec., NY., 1015-1021.
Sellwood JJ (1912): Autogenous vaccines. Med Sentinel, Portland, Oreg., 135-139.
Scott TB and Scott GB (1912): A record of the treatment of bacterial infections by autogenous vaccines. Lancet London. 879.
Craig HA (1912): Observations on 395 cases treated with autogenous bacterial vaccines. J. Vaccine Therapy, London, (1):318-327.
Vrijburg IL (1913): Opsonogeen (vaccine) en auto therapie. Tijdschr V. Veeartsenijk., Utrecht, 137-147.
Mazzitelli P (1913): La thérapeutique par les autovaccins (méthode de Wright). Repert De Med. Intertnat., Paris, iii, fasc. 27, 16-18.
Gould CW (1913-14): Autogenous versus stock vaccines. J. Med. Ass. Georgia, Augusta, iii, 364-366.
Hanson H ( 1914): Observations on preparation and administration of autogenous vaccines. South. Med. Journal, Nashville, vii, 154-159.
Stone WB (1914): Autogenous vaccines in colon bacillus infections. Albany Med. Ann, xxxv, 135 140.
Allen JD (1915): The preparation and use of autogenous vaccine. Kentucky Med. Journal, Bowling Green, xiii, 27-32.
Tutt JFD (1915): Three cases treated by autogenous vaccines. Vet. Med., London, lxxi, 224.
Pierce CH (1915): The practical value of autogenous vaccine therapy, with cases. Journal Lancet, Minneap., NS xxxv, 414-419.
Wohl (1916): Autosensitized vaccines in (...), Med. Rec. 89: 770
Wohl (1916): Autoserobacterins in (...) Am. Journal. Med. Sc. 152: 262
Hekman J (1916): Over de behandeling van verschillende ziekten met autovaccins. Nederl. Tiidschr V. Geneesk., i 2161-2171.
Bunce AH (1916): Observations on the use of autogenous vaccine, a summary of the views and experiences of some of the foremost physicians in the United States. Journal Med. Ass. Georgia, Augusta, 1 S, 241-246.
Meader IM (1917): Autogenous vaccines. Woman's Med. Journal, xxvii, 131-134.
Vale A & Potvin R (1917/18): Traitement de la furonculose et de l’acne par les autovaccins antistaphylococciques. Bull. Med. De Quebec, xix, 135-143.
Bazy L & Cuvillier L (1918): Sensitized autovaccine. Presse Med 26:219
Cecil RL (1918): Sensitized vaccine in prophylaxis and treatment of infections. Am. Journal Med. Sc. 155: 78
Womer WA (1918/19): One hundred cases treated with autogenous vaccines. Penn. Med. Journal, Athens, xxii, 137-140.
Tehon LR (1919): Formulas for use in standardizing autogenous vaccines. J.Am.Med.Ass., Chicago, 1063.
Tehon LR (1919): Formulas for use in standardizing autogenous vaccines. Am. Journal Pharm., Philadelphia, , xci, 807
Rizzi S (1919): Gli autovaccini nelle forme bronco polmonari, Policlin., Roma, sez. prat. xxvi, 1089.
DeBlasi D ( 1919): Autovaccinazione in malattie da virus filtrabili. Ann . D’ig, Roma, xxix, 717.
Wright AE, et al.( 1919): Vaccinetherapy: Its administration, value, and limitations. London, Longmans, Green Co., 216p.
Miller ECL( 1920/21): The theory and practice of autogenous vaccines. Virginia Med. Month., Richmond, 213-215.
Jenkins CE (1921): Autogenous, a misuse of autogenous vaccines, Practitioner 107:123-125 (London)
Mulford HK Company (1921): Report from, Serobacterins (sensitized bacterial vaccines), China Med. Journal
Jaquelin B & A (1921): Autovaccine therapy in 2 cases of staphylococcemia, Paris Med. 11:169
Vallet & Villa (1921): Vaccinothérapie par les autovaccins préparés selon une méthode nouvelle. Montpel. Med. 161 163.
Dore J (1921): Contribution a l'étude de l'autovaccinothérapie. Étude expérimentale sur la production des anticorps. Toulouse, C. Dirion, 155p.
Vallet G (1921): Vaccinothérapie par les autovaccins autosensibilisés. Compt. Rend. Soc. De Biol., Paris, 5 7.
Vallet G (1921): Pyothérapie et ptysmathérapie, méthodes d'autovaccination curative. Compt. Rend. Soc. De Biow Pan,
Vallet G (1921): Vaccinothérapie par les autovaccine préparés selon une méthode nouvelle. Montpel Med, 179-184.
Jaureguil F (1922): Autovaccines in therapeutics. Semana Med. 2: 530-531
Parisot J & Simonin P (1922): Advances in vaccine therapy, Rev. De M' Id. 39:392-423
Parisot J & Simonin P (1922): Réactions locales a l’inoculation d'autovaccins, étude pathogénique. Compt. Rend. Soc. De Biol., Paris 400-402.
Parisot J & Simonin P (1922): Etude sur la vaccinothérapie par les autovaccins. Rev. De Med, Paris, 8.
Grimberg A (1922): Les autovaccins. J. De Med De. Pak, 740-742.
Pauron (1923): La vaccinothérapie par les autovaccins. Arch. De M D. Et Pharm. Mil., Paris 157-173,
Zezschwitz PV (1924): Treatment with autovaccine, Muenchen Med. Wchnschr. 71:237
Buzello A (1924):Autogenous vaccines in surgery. Med. Klinik 20:1218-1221
Tietz L (1924): Experiences with autogenous vaccines. Deutsche Med. Wchnschr, 50:432
Clark JH (1924): Use of autoggenous vaccines in pulmonary diseases with special reference to Cohen Heist method. J. Lab. & Clin. Med. 10: 243-248
Maurin E (1924): La l’egislation des autovaccine. Repert. De Pharm., Paris, 65-67.
Candido G (1924): Le cure auto ed eterovacciniche e la loro, efficacia. Riforma Med., Napoli, 293-295.
Bessemans et al (1924): La pratique de l'autovaccinothérapie. Ann. De L’inst. Chir. De Brux., 121-131.
Gaehlinger H (1925): Autogenous vaccines in treatment of colon bacillus infection of intestines, Paris Med. 1: 428-431
Etienne G, Francfort & Dombray (1925): Autovaccine treatment in cerebrospinal meningitis. Bull. et mém. Soc. med. de hop de Paris, 49:316-320
Ryti E & Saltzman F (1925): Autovaccine treatment of septicemia, particularly streptococcus septicemia, Finska Liik. S'eillsk. Handl. 6:303-326
Breitkopf E (1925): Autovaccinees in surgery, Beitr. Z Klin. Chir 134:458-459
Breitkopf E (1925): Experiences with autogenous vaccines in surgery, Beitr. Z. Klin. Chir. 134:145-152
Kauntze WH (1925): Infection with coliform bacilli as cause of rheumatoid arthritis and chronic rheumatism, its diagnosis and its treatment by autogenous vaccines. J. Hygiene 23: 389-420
Merle L (1925): Meningococcus septicemia, partial improvement from serum treatment, recovery from autovaccine. Bull. Et Med De. Hop De Paris 49:1004-1005
Becker A (1925): Mixed infection in pulmonary tuberculosis and experiments in treatment with autogenous mixed vaccine, Ztschr. f. Tuberk. 42:118-136
Went S (1925): Specific treatrnent of chronic catarrh of colon. Deutsche Med. Wchnschr. 51:1695-1697
Borgbjaerg (1925): Vaccine therapy of supprative colitis. Ugsk F. Laeger 87: 909-912
Heymann A (1925): Vaccine treatment of gonorrhea. Ztschr F Urolog. 19:335-358
Dick JS (1925): Vaccines in chronic and recurring catarrh of respiratory tract. Practitioner 115:416-419
Monziols R (1925): Weinberg's tilotherapy in chronic enteritis. Compt. Rend. Soc. De Biol. 93:521-523
Fuss EM (1925): Action of autogenous vaccines on blood picture. Ztschr. F. Klin. Med. 101:467-472
Ren V (1925): Hexamethylenamin in preparation of vaccines. Cas. Lek. Cesk, 64:755-756
Breitkof E (1925): Erfahrungen mit der Autovakzinetherapie in der Chirurgie. Beitr. Z. Klin. Chir 145-152.
Orses EJ (1925): Ueber eine neue, einfache Herstellungsmethode von Autovakzinen. Munchen Med. Wchnschr. 1823-1826.
Stahl R & Nagell H (1926): Autogenous treatment of septic conditions, especially endocarditis lenta with vaccinated human serum and autovaccine. Klin. Wchnschr. 4, 2392-2395
Hagens G (1926): Case of chronic bronchitis with asthmatic attacks treated with autogenous mixed vaccine. Ugesk F Laeger 87:1195-1196
Ciesaynski K (1926): Case of paranephritis in infant, aged 16 months, cured by autovaccine. Arch. De Med D. Enf. 28:762-767
Joronha AJ (1926): Preliminary note on 2 cases of asthma treated with an autogenous vaccine prepared from a gram-negative bacillus isolated from sputum during attack. Indian M. Gaz. 411
v. Adler Racz (1926): Autogenous autovaccine therapy in urology. Ztschr. F. Urol. 20: 336-346
Went S (1926): Bacteriology and specifie treatment of infections of urinary passages. Ztschr. F. Urol. 20: 401-415
Schil L (1926): Chronic metritis caused by intestinal bacteria. Paris Med. 2:85-87
Halbe A (1926): Effect of injections of autovaccines on leukocyte number and on leukocyte picture in bronchial asthma. Compt. Rend. Soc. De Biol. 94:1045-1046
Halbe A (1926): Local immunity. Compt. Rend. Soc. De Biol. 94:1043-1044
Barfurth W (1926): Treatment of inflammatory processes and infections by products of inflammation. Deutsche Med. Wchnschr. 51:990-991
Courtois Suffit & Garnier G (1926): Two cases of cerebrospinal meningitis treated by autovaccine after failure of serotherapy. Bull. Et Mum Soc. Mud. D. Hop. De Paris 60:1185-1193
Velasco Blanco L (1926): Use of autogenous vaccine in treatment of infections of childhood. Arch. Pediat. 43:697-706
Hemeleers (1926): Vaccine therapy applied in affections of ear. Arch. Med. Belges 79:241-245
Hilgermann (1926): Valuation of specific vaccine treatment in infectious diseases. Muenchen Med. Wochnschr 73:898-902
Bakscht G (1926): Autohemotherapy in hemorrhagic metropathies uterus. Zentralbl. f. Gynaek. 50:1390-1393
von Berde K (1926): Meine Erfahrungen ueber die Autovakzine von Orses. Munchen Med. Wchnschr. 1031.
Blanco LV (1926): The use of autogenous vaccine, in the treatnent of some infections, of childhood. Arch. Pediat., N.Y. 697-706.
Utz L & Fitzgerald AM (1927): Autogenous vaccines in infections of respiratory tract. M.M. Australia 15-20, also Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Monthly 6:24-27
Rubinstein J (1927): Chronic case treated with autovaccines of Bacillus coli permanent recovery. Arch.f Verdauungsk. 39:117-123
Darget R & Boileau A (1927): [good results in gonorrhea] Bull. Soc. Fran d'urol. 6:33-46
Haibe (1927): [in asthma] Journal de med de Paris 45:1075-1080
Lanteri G (1927):[in leprosy] Gior. ital.di dermat.e.sifil. 67 1573 -576
Lutz K (1927): [injection of patient's, own pus] Deutsche Med Wchnschr. 52:1818-1819
Botta B (1927): [septicemia cured by autovaccine, case] Gior. di batteriol.e immunol. 1:412-421
Levinson A (1927): [treatment of inflammations with pus of patient] München med. Wchnschr. 74:241
Oltramare H, Golay J & Staropinsky A (1927): [autogenous, acrodermatitis cured by autovaccination, case] Ann. de dermat, et syph. 8:193-200
Lodato G (1927): [arthritis and chronic urethritis cured by use of gonorrheal pus] Arch. Ital. di sc. med. colon. 8:77-80
Makai E (1927): [autopyotherapy in cold abscesses] Zentralbl. f Chir. 54:2452-2455
Havranek M (1927): [autopyotherapy, remarks on Makai's article] Zentralbl.f Chir. 54:1683-1685
Gaehlinger (1927): [by mouth in treatment of typhlocolitis] Paris med. 137 41
Ajello Rabboni G (1927): [colon baeillus autovaccines in cystopyelitis of pregnancy] Terapia 17:269-271
Petragnani G (1927): [dosage] Policlinico (sez.prat.) 34:1279-1281
von Knorr K & Nemeth L (1927): Effect of polyvalent atypical coli autovaccine on peripheral blood picture and on place of injection. Wien. klin. Wchnschr. 40:554
Lanteri G (1927): [experiments with autovaccines in treatment of leprosy] Boll. Sorital.di biol. sper. 1162
Busson B (1927): Friedlander bacillus as causative agent of tonsillar abscess, and preparation of autovaccines from capsular bacteria. Monatschr.f.Ohrenh. 61:325-328
Lanteri G (1927): [in aene. keratosa] Arch ital.d.dermat. sif 2:274-280
Leontieff J (1927): [in chronic colitis and eterocolitis] Vrach.Gaz. 32:829-833
von Knorr K (1927): [in colitis,] Wien klin Wchnschr 40:935-937
Sezary A, Combe E & Benoist F (1927): [in cutaneous spirotrichosis , mode of action of vaccine] Bull.et mem.Soc.med d. hop. de Paris 51:619-622
Adler Racz AV (1927): [in infections of urinary passages] Urol. and Cutan.Rev. 31:489-494
Vischegorodtzeva VD (1927): [in influenzal pneumonia] Varch dielo 10:329-334
Friesleben M (1927): [in various infections] Med.Klin.23:1257-1258
Mackey L (1927): Nasal infection in children, analysis of 85 cases treated by autogenous vaccine. Brit M.J. L 1004
Makai E (1927): Principles of treatment with inflammatory products (autopyotherapy) Deutsche med. Wchnschr. 53:570-572
Bemelmans E (1927): Pyo and autopyovaccination in pyogenic infections of animals. Tijdschr. v. diergeneesk. 54:610
Negru E & Staniloiu S (1927): Quick process of preparing yatren autovaccines at patientls bedside; 10 cases. Cluj.med. 8:324-328
Etienne G & Verain M (1927): Streptococcic septicemia cured by autovaccine , case. Rev.med.de Vest. 55:301-306
Kirchner O (1927): [theoretical bases and fields of application] Ztschr.f.arztl.Fortbild. 24:489-494
Castellino PG (1927): Treatment of skin diseaes with autoenterovaccinias. Riforma med. 43:300-302
Belin M (1928): [aseptic pyotherapy in treatment of wounds] Comp.rend.Soc.de biol. 97:1581-1582
Flesch H (1928): [autopyotherapy of empyema of infants] Monatschr.f Kinderh. 37:149-152
Zenin A (1928): Autoserum treatment of furunculosis and certain other purulent infections of skin. Klin Med. 5:892-895
De Gaetano L (1928): Autovaccinotherapy and sympathectomy in suppurated unhealed fracture of leg , recovery. Ann.ital.di Chir. 6:331-354
Hauck & Schutz (1928): Case of death following,autovaccination Ztschr.f Med. Beamte.40:743-745
Belin M (1928): Mechanism of pyotherapy in cicatrization of wounds. Compt.rend.Soc.de biol. 97:1685-1687
Jenkins CE (1928): [residual vaccines, therapeutic results obtained in series of 360 cases] Brit.M.J. 1:340-342
Mcllraith CH, Turner W & Hicks JAB (1928): Autogenous case of thoracic and abdominal streptothrix which terminated successfully, treatment with autogenous vaccine. Lancet 2:68-60
Daiber A (1928): [favourable results of cutaneous autovaccines (Ponndorf) in various infections] Med. Kor. Bl. f. Wurttemberg 98:333-335
Mallanah S (1928): [for treatment of phthisical patients] Indian M. Rec. 48:260
Manca Pastorino V (1928): [in gonorrhea] Gior.ital.di dermat. e sifil. 69:582-590
Fabry P (1928): [in gonorrheal arthritis; cases] Liege med. 21:439-448
Carco P (1928): [in ozena] Bol.d.Soc.ital.di biol.sper. 3:595, also Boll.d.mal.d.orecchio,d.gola e.d.naso 46:73-82
Lubrano A & Nastasi A (1928): [in pyelocystitis of childhood] Pediatria 36:756-765
Velasco Blanco L (1928): Inflammation of kidney, renal pelvis and bladder due to Stapbylococcus cured by autovaccine. Arch latino am dt nad 11:84-100
Dorst S & Wherry W (1928): Local skin reactions in selection of antigens for autogenous vaccines. Ohio State Med. Journal 24:539-543
Aschermann G & Rosenblum L (1928): Local treatment of puerperal infection with Besredka's autogenous bouillon vaccine. Monatschr.f.Geburtsch.u.Gynak. 79:293-301
Rudback P (1928): [of chronic articular rheumatism] Acta med. Scandinav, (supp. no. 26) pp. 140-146,
Pfalz GJ (1928): [of gynecologic infections] Deutsche med. Wchnschr.54:1121-1125
Bucka E (1928): [of ulcerative colitis] Arch.f Verdauungskr. 42:561-568
Ajello G (1928): [protein vaccine pus therapy in puerperal infection] Rev.sud am.de endocrinol. 11:393-401
Gate J & Gardere H (1928): Rapid technic for autovaccine, therapy in pneumonia, clinical results. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 99:817-819
Ashbaugh RA (1928): Treatment of intestinal parasites in epilepsy with autogenous vaccines of Entameba histolytica, preliminary report. Illinois Med. Journal 54:129-134
Audebert & Giscard JB (1928/29): [in gonorrhea of puerperium] Bull Soc. d’obst. et de gynaec, 1: 652-655, also, J. de. med. de Paris 48:1029
Tedeshi C (1928): Simple and practical autovaccine therapy in gonorrhea.. Cong. internat. de med. trop. et d'hyg., Compt. rend. 3:941-943
Cuntz W (1929): [autogenous, cure of case of otitis media with autovaccine combined with yatren.Forschr. d. Therap. 4: 694
Constandache I. & Francke M (1929): Cerebrospinal meningitis, treatment by spinal lavage and autovaccine therapy, case. Bull.et mem. Soc. med.d.hop.de Bucarest 10: 353-357
Marlotti C (1929): [in unusual severe pseudomembranous streptococcic conjunctivitis, case] Boll.d'ocul. 7:1118-1139
Cantani F (1929): Local autovaccinotherapy in pediatric practice. Pediaria 36:1100-1106
Ayuso y o'Horibe (1929): [of enterocolitis in children , cases] Gac.med. de Mexico 59:689-697, also Cron med.quir.de la Habana 55 73-81
Pryer AA (1929?): [of persistent nasal catarrh in horses] Vet.J. 85:113-117
Rosenthal G (1929): Preparation of autovaccines in deep tubes for pulmonary gangrene and other respiratory diseases, injections by artificial tracheal fistulae or by transthoracic route. Bull.et mem. Soc.de med.de Paris, no 10:300-303 also J. de med. de Paris 48:141
Kertsz T (1929): Simple method of filling autovaccine ampules. München.med. Wchnschr. 75:1721
Keating PM (1929): Treatment of chronic arthritis with streptococcic vaccines. Texas State J.Med 24:691-691
Banks HM & Anderson I (1929): Vaccine and allied therapy. J.Indiana M.A. 22:192-194
Roediger (1929): [autogenous, in case of septicemia from middle ear disease] Vereinsbl.d. pflz. Aerzte 41:80-83
Chiaudano C (1929): Behavior of bacteriolytic, opsonic and bacteriotropie, indices and of skin tests,in therapeutic autovaccination in urinary diseases. Gior.di bacteriol.e immunol. 3:868-874
Galli Valerio B & Bomand M (1929): General furunculosis due to Sarcina tetragena, treated by autovaccine and antivirus. Schweiz.med. Wchnschr. 59:730
Spassokukotzky SI & Mikhalevsky LI (1929): [in closed, suppurative processes (osteomyelitis)] Vestnik khir. (nos. 48/49) 16/17:155-161
Sementini A (1929): [in empyema in children, cases] Terapia 19:141
Audebert J & Giscard LB (1929): [in gonorrhea in pregnant, 3 cases] Rev.fran: de gyn cet d'obst. 24:145-147
Nikhamkina M (1929): [in pyelitis] Vrach.dielo 12:338-342
Bonnet & Imbert (1929): [in pyelonephritis of pregnancy, delivery of child with mortal melena as result of pyloric ulcer] Bull Soc. d’obst et de gync. 18:369
Battista A (1929): Local autovaccinotherapy in carbuncular pustule. Riforma med. 45:527-531
Price D (1930): [in intestinal infections of infants] Irish J.M. Sc. pp. 59-63
Appelbaum E (1930): [in meningococcus meningitis] Arch. Pediat. 47:61-63
Speciale F (1930): [in ulcerative epitheliomas of uterine cervix] Policlinico (sez. prat.) 36:1425-1427
Romeo Lozano A (1930): [in pyuria in early childhood] Arch.espao.de pediat. 13:641-657
Keilty RA (1930): Preparation and use of autogenous vaccines. J.A.M.A. 94:95-100
Audebert & Estienny E (1930): Treatment of gonorrhea in pregnancy by Giscard's autovaccine.~ case. Bull. Soc.d'obst. et de gyn,c. 18:678
Surmoont H & Buttiaux R (1930): [autagenous, in grave colitis] Presse med. 38:956-959
Ivanissevich P (1930): [acute articular rheumatism, recovery with specific autovaccine] Semana med. 2:731-736
Dorst SE & Morris RS (1930): Bacterial hypersensitivity of intestinal tract; treatment with autogenous vaccine and sodium ricinoleate. Am.J.M. Sc. 180:650-656
Lembeye J (1930): [danger of possible reinoculation of disease] Presa med. argent. 17:417-419
Barbera S (1930): Enterococcic septicemia with manifestations in throat, mouth and skin cured with autovaccine therapy, case. Arch. ital. di otol. 41:24-31
Velasco Bianco L (1930): [for infections of urinary tract in infants, 13 cases] Rev.de especialid. 5:194-202, also Arch.am.de med. 6:47-60
Lereboullet P, Lelong M & Benoist F (1930): [for pulmonary abscess from Staphylococcus aureus in nursing, case] Bullet mem. Soc med. d. hop. de Paris (54) 1284-1289
Jelin W (1930): Local immunization with polyvalent autovaccine of capsulated diplobacillus in ozena. Ztschr. f. Laryng. Rhin. 19:434-437
Chevallier P, Levy Bruhl & Moricard R (1931): Phagedenic ulcer of penis , isolation of staphylococcus pathogenic for animals, autovaccination, case. Bull. Soc. fran. de dermatet syph. 38: 448-455
Litwak LI & Schister IS (1931): Autogenous, autopyo urovaccine in gonorrhea and its complications. Dermat.Wchnschr. 93:1735-1739
Bernard L & Pellissier (1931): Autopyovaccine in therapy of putrid lung suppurations. Bull. et mem.Soc.med.d.hop. de Paris 47:1696-1702
Toma A (1931): Treatment of psoriasis with vaccine from scales Annde dermat. et syph. 2:1110-1113
Frola EI (1932): [autogenous, in asthmatic syndromes] Riforma med. 48:46-50
Purves Stewart J & Hocking FDM (1932): Disseminated sclerosis, clinical and serological observations during experimental vaccine treatment. Lancet 1:605-609
Beliaeva VA (1932): [in chronic colitis and enterocolitis] Klin.med. (no. 16) 9:717-719
Weil Duchon PE & Bertrand (1932): [in priniary gonorrheal meningitis treated by autolystaevaccine, case] Bull.et mem.Soc. med.d.hop.de Paris 47:1799-1803
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(successful treatment of MRSA by use of autogenous vaccine)
free fulltext available: http://icvts.ctsnetjournals.org/cgi/content/abstract/6/2/228
Bocci V, Travagli V, Zanardi I (2009): The failure of HIV vaccines: A new autovaccine may overcome some problems. Medical Hypothesis 72:662-664
(The authors describe a procedure to produce an autovaccine by treating HIV positive plasma with ozone; theroretic approach since to the best of my knowledge this method has not been used.)
Nolte O.(2009): Zur Diskussion: Die autogene Vakzination als nicht-antimikrobielles Verfahren bei Therapie-resistenten bakteriellen Infektionen Bedeutung als alternative Behandlungsoption in Zeiten zunehmender antimikrobieller Resistenzproblematik. Chemotherapie Journal 18(1):18-23
download from January Issue of the Journal: http://www.wissenschaftliche-verlagsgesellschaft.de/CTJ/CTJ2009/CTJ-1-2009/CTJ-1-2009.HTM
Nolte O, Thrull R (2010): Die autogene Vakzine zur Behandlung chronisch-rezidivierender Infektionen Evaluierung der Wirksamkeit und Verträglichkeit in deutschen Arztpraxen. Münchener Medizinische Wochenschrift (Fortschritte der Medizin Originalien) Ergänzungsband I/2010 152:30-36
(first report describing tolerability of Gram-positive as well as Gram-negative autogenous vaccines in the treatment of urinary tract infection, furunculosis, sinusitis, and prostatitis in human; retrospective analysis from a German group)