WEISS - Vakzinen Dr. med. vet. Hans-Erich WEISS Fachtierarzt für Mikrobiologie und Serologie |
I n f o r m a t i o n
about inactivated, patient, flock or herd specific autogenous vaccines which may be purchased from me. The vaccines will be manufactered in my laboratory at CVUA Karlsruhe, Heidelberg lab. |
last modified
autogenous vaccine against |
species |
indication and application route
1. |
E. coli diarrhea |
calf in calf cows in farrow sows farrows dog cat foal horse |
prophyl.-peroral prophyl.-sc . . therap.-peroral . . . |
E. coli (Sinus paranalis infection) |
dog |
therap.- peroral + sc |
2. |
dog cat pigeons calfs sheep |
therap.-peroral . . . prophyl.-sc |
S. abortus ovis | goat | prophyl.-sc | |
3. |
Yersinien pseudotuberculosis and enterocolitica
chinchillas apes aviculture rabbit |
prophyl.-sc sc or peroral prophyl.-peroral sc or peroral
4. |
Pasteurella sp. |
horse cattle goat sheep chinchillas cat dog rabbit aviculture
therap. & prophyl. sc / or i.n. . . . . . . . prophyl.-peroral. |
5. |
Bordetella bronchiseptica |
rabbit aviculture rat dog cat |
therap. sc prophylaktisch sc therap.- & prophyl. sc . .
6 |
Listeria sp.or |
cattle sheep goat chinchillas
prophyl.-sc |
Chlamydia psittaci or Chlamydophila ssp. |
sheep goat dairy cow sows cat horse, others |
prophyl.-sc . therap. & prophyl.-sc . . . |
8. |
Pseudomonas sp. Pseudomonadaceae (Nonfermenter/Stenotropho- monas and others.) |
horse cattle cat dog rabbit rat aviculture calfs |
therap.-sc prophyl.-sc therap.-sc & peroral . . . . . |
Throat-/Nose-/Ear infections and ceratoconjunctivitis |
cat rabbit horse dog |
therap.- peroral + sc . therap.-sc . |
necrosis of carapace and/or scales; laryngopharyngitis |
turtle snake (Boa etc.) |
therap.- peroral (cloacal) + sc therap.-peroral + sc |
9. |
Staphylococcus aureus, intermedius, hyicus etc |
dog horse farrows cat
therap.-sc |
10. |
Papillomatosis ( Warts ) |
cattle dog horse, donkey, zebra |
therap.-sc |
Equine Sarcoid(D-Pat.Application.: 100 21 433; Int.Pat.Application.:WO 0024420) |
horse, donkey, zebra | therap.-sc | |
11. |
E.coli/Salmonella |
dog cat
therap.-peroral + sc |
12. |
Chlamydia/S. abortus ovis ( see Nr. 7 ) |
sheep goat |
therap.-sc |
13. |
cattle sheep goat sows horse |
14. |
Rhodococcus equi (Corynebacterium equi)
in foal mares and horses, donkey, zebra |
sc for prophylaxis in foals therap. u. prophyl. sc |
15. |
Streptococcus equi , zooepidemicus ,equisimilis
horse, donkey, zebra |
prophyl.-sc therap.-sc
16. |
Bacillus cereus |
horse, donkey, zebra |
17. |
Bacillus cereus/E.coli |
dog, cat horse, donkey, zebra psittacids |
therap.-peroral |
18. |
Corynebacterium sp. [Actinomyces(Arcanobact.)] metritis |
dairy cow sows dog in foal mares
therap./prophyl. sc |
19. |
Klebsiella sp. |
dog cat rabbit psittacids horse cattle calfs |
therap.-sc/peroral . . therap.-peroral therap.-sc profyl. sc. oder i.n. profyl.-peroral |
Dermatomykosis (Microsporum, Trichophyton)
dog horse, donkey, zebra cat cattle, calfs rabbit |
therap.-sc/peroral therap./prophyl.sc . . . |
Yeast ( Candida ssp.) metritis |
mares dairy cow dogs |
therap.-sc |
21. |
Aspergillus ssp, gingivitis, rhinitis, others. aerocystitis catarrhalis /aerosacculitis |
. dog, psittacids, |
. therap.-sc/peroral |
Clostridium perfringens with or without toxin type definition |
sheep sows rabbit turkey ostrich |
prophyl. sc (Prophylaxe Lämmer) prophyl. sc (Prophylaxe Ferkel) prophyl. sc prophyl. peroral oder sc prohyl.- sc |
Coxiella burneti |
dairy cows |
abortus and metritis |
In addition to the vaccines shown above, up to four antigens may be combined in a combivaccine. Customized vaccines may be produced from any antigen which is send to me or which is isolated from a site of infection (restrictions depending on federal law may apply, please inquire).
abbreviations: prophyl.:: = use for prophylaxis therap.: = therapeutic use sc: = subcutaneous aplication route i.n.: = intranasal application route
Nolte, O., Morscher, J., Weiss, H.-E. & Sonntag, H.-G. (2001):
Deutsches Patent Nr. 198 60438 European Patent No. EP 1140160 B1
198 49428.9 Deutsche Patentanmeldung
WO 0024420 Internationale Patent-Anmeldung:
WO 0038712 Internationale Patent-Anmeldung:
DE 100 21 433 A 1 Deutsche Patent-Anmeldung (Offenlegungsschrift): |
responsible for the content of this page: Dr. H.-E. Weiss,
all questions may be addressed to: Dr. H.-E. Weiss,
design und realisation: Dr. Oliver Nolte